Installation Instructions Matter

December 5, 2022

On a recent pre-drywall inspection our inspector noted that the PEX plumbing was not installed according to the manufacturer’s installation instructions. The builder’s response to our client was “Installation instructions were not code.” But they are.

Numerous places in the code you will find this type of statement:

Our pre-drywall inspection often finds that plumbers installing PEX plumbing will leave off the relief clamp between the bend in the pipe and the shower valve.

Our pre-drywall inspection often finds that plumbers installing PEX plumbing will leave off the relief clamp between the bend in the pipe and the shower valve.

According the Plastic Pipe Fitting Association (PPFA) and the Plastic Pipe Institute DESIGN GUIDE for Residential PEX Water Supply Plumbing Systems these relief clamps are required.

The relief clamp should be installed to remove the possibility of the pipe backing out of the shower valve. Also if a pipe is installed into the fitting on the curve the pipe is not round but an oval due to the bending of the pipe. To pass the third party testing, required by the code, the relief clamp is required. If the pipe is not installed per the installation instructions, it is possible that all warranties will become void and the manufacturer of the valve and the pipe will not be accountable for the failure.

Your home inspector should be familiar with all products used in the home and how they should be installed per the manufacturer’s installation instructions. The only time this type of mistake can be found is during a pre-drywall inspection.